No matter how hard you try, you can’t get your body into the shape you want. Exercising and dieting have made an impact, but it’s just not enough. Certain areas of your body just won’t let go of the fat, and those extra lumps are ruining all of your hard work.
For men, one of the biggest problem areas is the area around waist. While you build well-defined muscles across your chest, that gut just seems to hang on. No matter what exercises you try, there is always a little too much hanging over your belt. Let’s face it, love handles aren’t sexy at any age.
Smart liposuction for men might be just the tool you need to remove those stubborn fat deposits for good. Say goodbye to turkey neck, love handles and man boobs for good.
Laser Liposuction for Men
Usually considered the domain of celebrities and women, liposuction has been around for decades. Developed in 1974 by two Italian gynecologists, the procedure became popular in the 1980s as a means of removing large areas of unwanted fat.
Traditional liposuction procedures involved injecting fluid to break up fat, and then using suction to remove it. In the early days, liposuction was performed under general anesthesia. It was an expensive surgical operation, which is why the recipients consisted largely of celebrities and others with vast disposable incomes.
A majority of liposuction patients were traditionally women, too. Men are much more conscious about their appearance and their health these days. They are working out, eating healthy and enjoying a better quality of life. Liposuction is a tool available to men, as well, for improving their appearance. Why shouldn’t men have the same advantages as women when improving their bodies?
According to the American Cosmetic Surgery Network, liposuction was in the top five surgical procedures for men in 2010. There was an 88% increase in the total number of cosmetic procedures for men between 1997 and 2010. Surgeons performed over 750,000 cosmetic procedures on men in 2010.
The rise in popularity of liposuction among men is attributed to several factors. Men actually want to look good and are becoming more health conscious in recent years. Men also tend to be competitive, and liposuction provides an edge when it comes to appearance. Because it is less invasive and has faster recovery times, Smart Lipo has convinced more men to get liposuction. It is more like a tune-up than a surgery.
Smart Lipo for Men
Liposuction has come a long way since 1974. The latest techniques involve using a laser and a small amount of local anesthesia. Reducing the amount of anesthesia makes the procedure less invasive and easier to recover from. Thanks to modern medicine, participants also enjoy greater recovery times than they did 40 years ago.
Smart Lipo uses a laser to melt the fat under the skin. This makes it easier to remove the softened fat out through the small incisions. Small incisions heal faster and the smaller suction tubes create less bleeding and bruising.
Liposuction is not for removing all of the fat in the body; it has specific applications. The new laser-assisted procedures have fewer limitations. Here are the areas of the body where Smart Lipo can be used:
• Under The Chin
• On The Hips
• Upper Arms
• Abdomen
• Upper And Lower Back
• Inner And Outer Thighs
• Lower Leg
• Around The Knee
• Around The Waist
Smart Lipo for Gland Disorder
If you suffer from excessive sweating, Smart Lipo may be a viable solution. Excessive sweating often triggers anxiety about whether other people can see the sweat stains on your clothes or worse, smell your body odor. People with this rare condition can take several showers each day and still worry. They often sweat through several clean shirts in a day.
The only permanent treatment for excessive sweating was neurosurgery — until now. Smart Lipo offers an alternative treatment that is less invasive and has a faster recovery time. The sweat glands in the armpits can be removed with the laser treatment for men who suffer from this condition. The procedure takes a few minutes and does not even require stitches. After a few days of recovery time, you go back to your regular life with one big stresser gone and no adverse effects to your body’s ability to cool itself.
Benefits of Smart Lipo
When it was first invented, liposuction was a revolutionary procedure. It allowed women to have precise control over the way they looked and felt about themselves. Advances in the procedures have brought a number of new benefits to men, as well. Smart Lipo has some distinct benefits over the traditional methods, including:
Treatment of areas with many blood vessels is possible with Smart Lipo. The small tube inserted to suck out the fat can be maneuvered into tighter areas without risking excessive bleeding. The laser makes it easier to remove fat through the smaller tubes, unlike traditional liposuction methods.
• Skin laxity is less of a concern. With the removal of fat, the skin over that area can hang loose like an empty sack. Skin has a natural elasticity, but as you age, its ability to bounce back diminishes. The same laser that Smart Lipo uses to melt the fat also tightens the skin. In this way, the end result does not rely on your skin’s natural ability to reduce the slack. Because of this tightening effect, Smart Lipo can also be performed in areas where the skin has lost its elasticity due to age or injury.
• Because the Smart Lipo process is less intensive, it minimizes the post-operation swelling and bruising. It is less traumatic to the skin, and therefore recovery times are shorter. There are fewer blood clots reported from laser assisted liposuction procedures, and less pain following the procedure. The smaller incisions account for some of this. The size of the suction tube also is a factor, as it does less damage under the skin.
• Smart Lipo can also be used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis, an extremely uncomfortable excessive sweating disorder that at least 3% of the population suffers from. Smart Lipo is a safe and effective way to remove the auxiliary sweat glands without affecting the body’s ability to cool itself.
• Smart Lipo is very effective in removing unwanted fat from tight areas where there are large groups of blood vessels, and the skin may have lost some of its elasticity. It can also be combined with traditional liposuction to handle the larger areas of fat deposits where skin is in good health. The combination of Smart Lipo and traditional liposuction can have a big impact on the shape of your body.
• Some people may want to use Smart Lipo for the detailed body sculpting work that can’t be done with diet and exercise. It can target specific areas to enhance body contours by removing fat and revealing muscle shape. Smart Lipo works with your regular fitness routine to create your best body shape yet.
Good Candidates for Smart Lipo
The success of any medical procedure depends on having the right expectations for the outcome and presenting with the proper qualifications. The same is true for diet and exercise routines. If you expect to build up your bicep muscles with a walking routine, you won’t have much success. You may lose weight and improve your cardiovascular strength, but your arms will not develop new muscle mass.
Smart Lipo, or any liposuction procedure, will not replace diet and exercise for a healthy lifestyle. Smart Lipo is intended as a means of assisting an already healthy individual achieve the detailed results they are looking for. Understanding the benefits of Smart Lipo and preparing yourself properly for the procedure will ensure a positive outcome.
You are a good candidate for Smart Lipo if:
• …you are within a healthy weight range. Smart Lipo is not a weight loss solution. Rather it is intended for detail body sculpting. If you want the kind of aesthetic results you can get from Smart Lipo, first use diet and exercise to get your weight into a healthy range. Then, you will be a good candidate for the procedure.
• …you have a regular fitness routine. Daily exercise and a healthy diet are key to achieving and maintaining the look you want for your body. Smart Lipo can accomplish the detail body sculpting you are struggling with, but maintaining your regular healthy routine will ensure the results last for a long time.
• …your target area is relatively small. Smart Lipo for men, especially, is designed to work on those smaller regions like the lower leg, knees and upper arms (but may also be used for debulking the abdomen). The idea is to use it for specific detail work. If you are trying to remove small pockets of stubborn fat to reveal better muscle definition and contour, Smart Lipo is the procedure for you.
• …you have too much skin laxity for traditional liposuction. Because the laser tightens the skin, skin laxity is not as much of a concern with laser-assisted liposuction. For men who are afraid that liposuction under their chin, for example, would leave an empty pocket of sagging skin, Smart Lipo might be the right way to go.
• …you can’t afford a long recovery time. If your job or lifestyle demands require a young, attractive look and you can’t afford to be recovering from excessive bruising for several weeks, you are probably a good candidate for laser-assisted liposuction. The bruising and pain is minimal, making recovery time shorter, usually only 2-3 weeks*.
• …you have healthy functioning of your vital organs. Although the procedure is minimally invasive and does not require general anesthesia, good candidates for Smart Lipo are in general good health. certain medications and heart, liver or kidney disease can complicate any surgical procedure. With healthy vital organs, you would be a good candidate for this body sculpting procedure.
• …you are infection free. Any incisions in the body, even the small ones required by Smart Lipo, can expose you to possible infections or spread an existing one. For this reason, all infections should be cleared up before becoming a candidate for laser-assisted liposuction or any other non-essential invasive procedure.
Male Laser Liposuction
Liposuction was traditionally a body-enhancing tool used primarily by women. As procedures improved and costs came down, more women had access to this fat removal tool. Now, it’s the men’s turn to take advantage of medical technology to get the body sculpting they can’t achieve the old-fashioned way.
Over time, certain deposits of fat seem to become permanent fixtures on your body. Despite all the exercising and dieting you do, those specific areas of fat will not go away. It can, however, be suctioned out of your body, making the difference between an okay body image and a fantastic one.
With all the crunches you do, you probably have six-pack abs. They are just hiding under a stubborn layer of belly fat beneath the skin. Once that fat is removed, the results of all your hard work will be revealed. Men carry extra fat in different areas of the body than women, and their ideal body image differs greatly. Most women, for instance, are happy to carry a little extra fat in the chest area. Men, on the other hand, strive for tight chest muscles with no extra fat or saggy pecs.
Men and women store fat in different areas and metabolize fat in different ways. What they do have in common, though, is a desire to eliminate fat from unwanted areas and sculpt their bodies with attractive muscle definition. It is not unusual for men to want to look good, in addition to feeling strong and healthy. Liposuction is a way to assist their efforts in achieving and maintaining a healthy look.
What Kind of Fat is This?
There are two types of fat that disturb the view of your toned muscles and shapely body. Visceral fat is the kind that presents major health risks. It is found deep in the body and can collect around major organs. Visceral fat is the main cause of beer bellies and other similar protrusions. It changes your body silhouette by stretching your skin into a completely different shape.
Diet and exercise are the only solutions to visceral fat. It is too deep and too close to vital organs for safe removal by liposuction. Chances are good you’ve already removed the extra visceral fat through your daily diet and exercise routine and made a noticeable improvement in your body shape and overall weight.
Subcutaneous fat is what you see directly beneath your skin. Those surface bulges around your knees, chin and ankles are less of a health threat than visceral fat, but they can be more visually prominent. When the visceral fat is reduced and your muscles are tight and toned, the subcutaneous fat is more noticeably out of place.
Some subcutaneous fat can be lost through diet and exercise, but some areas are particularly stubborn. It is hard to target, for instance, that little pocket of fat underneath your chin. You can lose weight and do exercises to firm the muscles in your face, but sometimes that turkey neck just won’t go away. That is where Smart Lipo becomes a fantastic option.
Shape Up
When you are ready to take the next step to improve your body shape, contact Synergy for an appointment. We’ll answer all of your questions about what is possible with Smart Lipo, how it can transform your body, and what you will feel like after it’s done. Let us help you eliminate that stubborn fat for good.